Are you tired of attracting people and relationships that aren’t right for you?

Are you tired of attracting people and relationships that aren’t right for you? Wondering if there is anything you can do to change this? The answer is YES!

Now is the time to create the relationship with yourself that you have always dreamed of having in your life. Why? 

Because how you treat yourself, how you show up in the world, how you value yourself…all affect the people and experiences you attract into your life. 

And if you are not being your authentic self and living your truth (because you don’t really know who that is or because you aren’t connected with who that is or because of fear) you will not attract the partner who is right for you. You will attract someone who is attracted to who you are showing up as, not to who you really are. 

If you find you attract people who don’t respect you and don’t make you a priority, where are you not respecting yourself and making yourself a priority? Are you honoring your time and your boundaries, and appreciating yourself and your accomplishments? 

Do you take the time to rest when you’re exhausted or do you run around doing everything for everyone and putting yourself last? If you do a good job on a presentation do you downplay it or do you celebrate yourself and your talents? Do you frequently say yes to people when you really want to say no?

When you don’t take care of you or honor you, you are showing up as someone who doesn’t value yourself or your needs and this is who you will attract. 

If you are attracting people who don’t truly love you or want to spend time with you or give you attention, look within you. Are you not loving you? Are you not feeling worthy of love? Are you not opening your heart to love? Are you spending time with yourself? 

When you feel sad, allow yourself to feel your feelings and love all your feelings. Catch yourself when you are shutting down when you get close to someone and your fear of being hurt kicks in and give yourself extra love. Start figuring out what you can do to make yourself feel good. To love yourself fully. Take yourself out on special dates. Spend time meditating or doing yoga. Go within you, connect with yourself, and give yourself what feels good for you. 

Do you attract people who only take from you? Including taking your positive high vibe energy by draining it? 

If you want a partner who is giving, you need to be giving to yourself and be open to receiving. This can be giving of love, affection, time, gifts…where are you withholding giving to yourself? Maybe you’re exhausted from running around giving to others. Where can you give more to you? Where can you invest in your well-being? If you want a partner who doesn’t drain your energy, you have to be able to stay in your own good energy. Not allow others’ moods and actions to dictate your energy. Keep your thoughts aligned with your own desires, not aligned with someone else’s moods and behavior. 

Do you attract people who aren’t truthful with you? Where are you not being completely honest with yourself or him? Are you suppressing your real emotions? Not sharing your true feelings? Not speaking up? 

You can’t change others or make them be the way you want them to be. But you can be the woman you’ve always wanted to be and embody the qualities you want to attract.


  1. YourFriendPablo on January 29, 2019 at 2:31 pm

    Great, I really like it! Youre awesome