Are you living your life based on fear or love?
Are you living your life based on fear or love?
Which are you committed to energetically?
Next time you do something for your partner or anyone in your life, ask yourself if you are doing it because it makes you feel good to do it and it’s from a place of love? Or if you’re doing it because you feel obligated…you feel the other person expects it of you?
If it’s the second, you are living from a space of fear not love.
What do I mean?
Relationships that are based on love have no expectations and no obligations and no judgments. You are there because you want to be, not because you need to be. You are there because you love this person the way they are, not because you love the person you want them to be.
When you live from the space of love, you do not have expectations of others. And you don’t feel obligated to do things for them. You do things out of love, not fear.
Love and fear don’t live in the same space.
Fear can be of not being good enough, of rejection, of being judged, of others’ opinions or negative thoughts or words.
When you alter your behavior because of any of these, you are acting from fear and not love.
To have a love based relationship, you do things…you show up in a certain way…because you want to. Because you feel inspired to. Because it makes you happy to make the other person happy. There is no fear that controls your behavior. You don’t have expectations because your own happiness comes from inside of you. Not from what others think about or say about you.