Expectations and obligations…how they affect your relationship and your happiness
Is your relationship full of expectations? Is what you or your partner do or say based on obligations?
Maybe you are not even aware this is happening.
But ask yourself…do you place expectations on yourself for how you need to show up, do you place expectations on him, and do you feel like he has expectations of you?
We can’t control other people and having expectations is a form of control. And it also sets us up for disappointment. Expectations will never make us happy. We can never truly know another person’s expectations.
When we act from a place of expectation or obligation, we are acting based on fear. Fear makes us try to control, but we have no control over anyone other than ourselves.
Fear that if we don’t do something, we will be rejected. That if we don’t say or do what he wants or we feel he expects, he will not love us. He will leave.
We lose touch with our love in our heart when we act based on expectations. We disconnect from our love for ourselves and therefore also from our love for him. We don’t act because we feel inspired since we are not connected with our love.
When this happens, a relationship can break down.
You see, what makes you feel happy is your connection with your love. The love inside you. Doing things out of obligation will not make you feel happy…over time you may even feel resentful. And your partner cannot know all of your expectations to fulfill all of your happiness. You have to be able to fulfill your happiness. To connect with your self love.
You can turn your relationship around by letting go of your fear and not allowing it to run your life. Commitment to love and not fear is the answer to your own happiness…in your life and in your relationship.
If you want to learn how to move beyond your fear and connect with your love, and have the relationship you desire, reach out to me for a free 20 minute clarity call. I have specials on private coaching packages and my four month group coaching program.