Soar beyond your fears!

There are only a couple days left in 2019!  A big commitment I would love to see you make to yourself in the new year is to not allow your fears to stop you.

To not allow your fears to guide you in your decisions.

To not allow your fears to stand in the way of taking action towards your desires and dreams.

You will never have the life or relationship you truly desire if you make decisions, take actions, and live your life based on fear.

The universe will give you exactly what you need, but you will not recognize the opportunities and be open to allowing in the love and the happiness if you are living from a space of fear.  Your fears will simply prevent you from being open to allowing love into your life.  

The time you decide to burry yourself in your phone or a book in the coffee shop when that good looking man smiles at you.  The time you decide to not express your desire to invite your partner to accompany you to something you’ve been invited to.  The time you don’t apply for that exciting photography position you have always wanted.  

Life and the universe are providing you the opportunities to create more love and happiness for yourself, to grow, to have an amazing relationship, but if your fear prevents you from taking risks and from seeing the opportunities and from allowing new experiences in, you will not benefit from these opportunities.  They will pass you by.  You may be stuck wondering why others seem to have everything they want but not you.  You will not even realize all of these opportunities you are given.  

Open your eyes.  Open your heart.  Allow yourself to take the risks that will ultimately bring you love and joy.  

Maybe even bring in a symbol to help remind you to open your heart and soar beyond your fears!  

What can you commit to doing differently in the upcoming year towards achieving a goal or desire?  I would love to hear from you.

Start the new year off by investing in yourself and your growth.  Contact me for a free 30 minute clarity session where I can help you identify your goals and a plan to manifest what you desire.  

Comment below or visit my website

Use code NY2020 to receive 30% off all coaching packages and self help materials.  Good through January 5 at 11:59pm Eastern Time.