Are you spending your time and energy resisting?
Do you believe things happen for a reason and unfold the way they are supposed to? When you can trust in this you are less likely to try to resist what is happening.
Even when life brings challenges, resisting them is not helpful or a good use of your energy. Why? Because the reality is that the situation or event has happened or is happening. That is reality. You can’t make reality different than it is.
Resisting what is, focuses your attention on what you don’t want and interferes with your ability to be present.
You can not be open to receiving all the good things life has in store for you if you are so busy resisting what is happening.
And when you are not present you are not truly living your life and it is hard to experience happiness and joy.
Instead of wasting your energy on something you can’t control (resisting reality), why not focus on accepting, allowing, experiencing. Doing this allows you to save your energy for living your life and being open to allowing positive experiences to happen for you.
Resisting is closed energy. Allowing is open energy.
Whether you choose to believe things happen for a reason (even if when they happen you may not know the reason)…how does it help to spend your energy trying to change, control, analyze, resist what is actually happening?
Next time you find yourself trying to fight reality, become curious instead…What can I learn? How can I grow from my experience? How can I be more present in this experience and in my life?