Heart connection

If you have ever been in a relationship but felt alone, I hear you.  You want the kind of partner who listens intently to your every word, knows you inside and out so he can feel and empathize with your struggles, someone who makes you truly feel heard and understood.  

And he wants this too.  

How often though do we dismiss what he is saying because we would not feel the same way in the situation he is describing.  Or do we judge his reactions.  Or even listen but not really hear how much he is affected.  

One of the qualities that makes a relationship really great is that of heart centered connection- when you connect with your own heart’s energy and from that energy connect with his heart, you are in a place to put yourself in his shoes and understand what is happening for him in his world from HIS perspective.

Many times we think we do this…we know he feels upset about a situation, and we can let him know we care.  But since we may not feel upset if we were faced with the same situation, we don’t really have a true understanding of what he’s going through.

But if we connect to our own heart and his, we can understand and see from his perspective.  We can offer our love and compassion on a whole new level.  One where he truly feels seen, heard, understood.  

What does this entail-

💫 allowing him to talk while you truly listen 

💫 really hearing him 

💫 feeling your heart energy and then connecting with his heart

💫 stepping into his world and seeing what he is saying from his perspective, without any judgment

💫 embodying the belief that nothing he says is wrong because it is how HE feels 

When both partners can do this, the relationship elevates to a whole new level.  There is no wrong or right.  There is no room for criticism.  There is no room for rejection.  There is no room for blaming.  Just love and understanding from the heart ❤️