Be what you desire
If you want to feel more love, put yourself in a loving state.
Instead of getting angry when you feel that people are not giving you the love you desire, expect, deserve…change your state.
How can you get into a loving state?
💫 Smile
Changing your physiology in this way can help put you in a positive state.
💫 Speak loving words to yourself and others – and repeat them with emotional intensity
Saying loving words to yourself and out loud while linking emotion with them allows your brain to remember and focus on them.
💫 Think loving thoughts
What you focus on is what you feel, so focus on things that are loving.
💫 Ask empowering questions – for example, how can I share my love with others today? How can I be more loving?
These questions will direct your brain to look for ways to be love because your brain will always find a way to answer what you ask of it.
It all starts with you. Be what you desire. When you desire love, be love.