Finding Peace Beyond the Pain Show Begins

Tonight was the pilot episode of my new internet TV talk show and podcast, Finding Peace Beyond the Pain.  

Because we as parents love our children, we experience pain and grief when the mental illness, addiction, or death of our child forever changes our lives. Finding Peace Beyond the Pain, hosted by Debbie Gail Zane, brings to light topics that touch the hearts and impact the lives of those navigating this love and loss. The discussions, stories, and guests featured on this show will empower you with the knowledge and tools to handle the challenges of having a teen or adult child with mental illness and addiction with love and compassion, and improve the quality of your own life. Whether you have a child with mental illness or addiction, or have lost a child, it is Debbie’s deepest desire to give you hope for peace and healing and the inspiration to go on.   

Finding Peace Beyond the Pain airs live every Friday night at 7pm EST on Amazon Fire TV and Roku TV.   

In tonight’s episode, my daughter and I share our story going through my oldest son’s mental illness and addiction and then losing him when he was 26.  Watch the replay on here 

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