Judging yourself? Be your own best friend

Judgment of ourselves can be something we do without even realizing it.

It can come in the form of judging our feelings.  For example, you feel angry years after your child was diagnosed with mental illness or became addicted to drugs and you are judging your feelings in that you think you should no longer be angry.  

It can come in the form of blame.  For example you blame yourself because you couldn’t prevent your teen or adult child from using drugs.  

Or you are judging your progress in grief, thinking you should be further along in your grief after losing your child or after grieving the life you thought you would have with your child who was diagnosed with mental illness or substance abuse.  

We judge our feelings and our actions/inactions. 

But how many times would you judge your best friend in this way?  

We can be our own harshest critics.  

When you can become aware of the areas you are judging yourself, ask yourself, what would you say to your best friend in the same situation?  

Become your own best friend and treat yourself with the kindness you would treat your best friend.  

If you are you struggling with the challenges of having a son or daughter with mental illness/addiction or grieving the loss of a child, I am here to support you on your journey of finding peace beyond the pain.  Reach out to me to find out more.

Sending love and light,
