What stories are you telling yourself?
What stories are you telling yourself? How do you know if you are creating stories?
Your emotions can be your clue because you may suddenly feel sad or unhappy or triggered.
Your stories may be caused by events in your past (and your subconscious beliefs that past patterns will repeat themselves), by negative beliefs about yourself and your worthiness, by your fears about what may happen or could happen (especially when deep down you believe good things are not possible for you).
You see the world through your own eyes. If you are feeling down about yourself, you may create stories about other people’s behavior that come from a place of your unworthiness. If you are feeling fearful, you may create stories about other people’s behavior that come from a place of your own insecurities.
When you believe in these stories you interpret everything that happens from their perspective.
Everything everyone says and does fuels energy for these stories because you believe in them so you look for confirmation in your experiences.
So if someone is doing something that has nothing to do with you, you may make it all about you…you believe that he is doing it because of you.
It’s the stories you create and believe in that cause you to feel awful. How you interpret what others do and say.
The more negative your stories are, the more negative your emotions become. It’s a cycle… it’s from this negative energy that you attract your negative experiences because the experiences you attract are related to your thoughts and beliefs and emotions. So if you want to attract happier experiences in your life you have to change your stories.
If you want to learn how to recognize when you’re creating stories and change them, I can help. My monthly group coaching program is starting soon! Reach out to me today for a free 20 minute connection call.