Choosing presence and appreciation
There may be times when things do not happen the way you are wanting and in those times I encourage you to choose hope, appreciation and acceptance.
When you get caught up in something not going your way, you expend lots of extra energy. Energy fighting it. Energy trying to change it. Energy that is not healthy for you and you can’t change or control what is external to you.
You can only change and control you. Your thoughts. Your acceptance or not. Your decision to be okay with how life is unfolding or not. Your decision to be at peace or to fight against reality.
Expending so much extra energy trying to control what is external may eventually make you feel worse. It may impact your stress level and therefore also impact your physical and emotional health.
No matter how hard you work you cannot change other people or events.
But you can relax back into you, your internal core, your center, your heart. You can choose to be present and look for what you can appreciate and feel grateful for, even if life is not unfolding exactly the way you want.
You can trust that if you choose appreciation and hope and gratitude, you will be more relaxed and at peace with whatever is unfolding in front of you.
And this mindset will also help you attract more of what you do want, because that is where your energy is focused. You will have more energy because you will not be expending so much pushing against what you didn’t want, which may have already happened.
So be present and appreciate. Focusing on what is good.
Dwelling on what did not work out exactly as you wanted does not help. You absolutely cannot change what has already taken place.
But you do get to shape your present and future by choosing your focus and mindset.