How positive sayings and mantras can help us
One of my favorite sayings is “life is always happening for you, not to you” by Tony Robbins.
I love it because life isn’t always smooth. Things don’t always happen the way we want them to or expect them to. Some moments can feel really tough, sad, difficult, challenging…. Things do not always go perfectly.
And in those moments, this saying is super helpful for me to have as a mantra that I remind myself over and over.
When I think of life as happening for me, my thoughts immediately begin to answer the following question- What is the good here in this situation?
While we may not see everything good that will come from these challenging moments and situations in the moment they are happening, we CAN begin to get our brain used to that thought.
Because whatever we ask of our brain, it will seek and find answers.
And I know the answers to the question “what is the good” will be positive and create a positive focus and clarity for me. And because what we focus on we feel, I know I will feel better.
I also love this saying because it makes me feel like life is on my side. Like the positive energy from the universe is surrounding me and protecting me and working for me. I feel loved.
So how can this help you in your relationship? If things do not always work out the way you are hoping, wanting or expecting with your date or your partner or your spouse, remind yourself that life is always happening for you and then ask what is good about this? Even if you can’t immediately think of something good, continue to remind yourself that life is always happening for you and keep asking what is good. You are planting the seed and your brain will begin searching for the good.
I’d love to hear from you…feel free to share how this can help you or ask for help in how you can use this in your relationship.