Don’t get stuck because you can’t fix or change the situation

When you are faced with a challenging situation with your teen or young adult, don’t get stuck because you can’t fix or change the situation.

It is easy to get caught up in what you can’t do.

You don’t have control over other people or situations.

And in most cases, the difficult situation is already happening.

Focusing on what you can’t do is never the solution.

It will leave you frustrated and angry.

It may lead to feelings of hopelessness and even despair.

The more you focus on what you can’t control, the worse you will feel because what you focus on determines your emotional state.

What can you do instead:

  • Shift your focus to the things you can do.  What step can you take that will make a difference for you in coping with the situation or in helping your child.  Even a tiny step you can take.
  • Then take action…take one step (however big or small) towards something you can do for yourself or your child.

Sending love and light,
