Are you still dealing with the same struggles month after month or year after year?
Sometimes it’s easy to put things off… you may reason with yourself “I can work on this later, time will help resolve this issue, I will figure this out later, I don’t have the resources.”
And before you know it, later has turned into weeks, months, even years where nothing has changed.
You are still dealing with the same struggles and difficulties.
Why does this happen?
The primary reason is because you don’t know how to solve the issue.
When this happens, you don’t know what actions you need to take to achieve what you want so you don’t have a plan.
Or you don’t see how a proposed solution will lead to solving your problem and achieving what you want now.
Since you do not see how to get the thing your want easily, it gets put off.
Instead it’s easier to work on the things you know how to solve easily, the things you already know the answers to, and to stay stuck in the problem you are familiar with being in.
But this will not ultimately give you fulfilment and growth.
I often speak with parents who tell me that they don’t know how to improve their relationship with their teen or young adult with mental illness or addiction. They don’t see a path to get there because it hasn’t worked yet, so they resign themselves to thinking that it’s not possible unless their child changes.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
With my own relationship with my oldest son, if I had resigned myself to this thinking then I would not have had the close and loving relationship with him that I did. I would not have had so many memories that I now cherish.
Can you relate? Do you have something you have been putting off?
Sending love and light,