Is the question you focus on bringing you sadness or fulfillment?
I recently attended Tony Robbins’ Date with Destiny event in Florida and something very powerful that spoke to me was what question I was subconsciously asking myself. I worked on this over a year ago, but realized my subconscious mind had changed my primary question I had then worked on, to something disempowering without me realizing – going from how can I be more loving today to why has this year been so difficult for me.
You see, your brain will search for answers to whatever you ask of it. And that is where your focus will be. So if you find you are focusing on things that make you feel bad, sad, angry, resentful, ask yourself what question are you subconsciously asking.
This year was tough for me after losing my oldest son in January, but asking myself why this year has been so difficult didn’t help me. It kept me stuck focusing on what wasn’t good. It even prevented me from focusing on the positive things such as my book which will be published in the spring, the parents I’ve helped, and my close relationship with my other children.
It is almost the end of 2022. I invite you to think about what you have been subconsciously asking yourself and think of a new empowering question to ask instead for the upcoming 2023 year. (Start now though!)
I understand that when you have a child with mental illness or addiction, this can be challenging because you may be used to focusing on what’s wrong and why things aren’t better. But try to replace this…for example, instead of asking why do things keep going wrong ask what is the best thing I can do right now to support myself and my child/my family.
I would love for you to share in the comments what is your old and new question.
Sending love and light,