Do you have a plan for handling stress and triggers during the holidays?

When you have a loved one with mental illness or addiction, this time of year can be even more challenging. 

There may be a lot of uncertainty as to how things will go and what will happen. 

There may be friction between you and your loved one or a lack of communication. 

You may feel extra sadness, frustration, fear, stress, worry, overwhelm, hopelessness, or anger.

You may be feeling alone, watching others seemingly having a “normal” life.

You are not alone and your feelings are valid. 

I understand because I have been there too. 

I recommend having a plan for how you will handle stress and triggers during the holidays.  For example this may include things like –

💫 planning loving boundaries you can stick to and trust so you can enjoy the holidays without worrying how to respond to difficulties and triggers 

💫 planning breaks for yourself, however short or long you need, in order to rest, recharge, or remove yourself from triggers. This can help you to better respond to triggers by ensuring your own needs are being met and give you a break when you are feeling triggered to remove yourself from the situation. 

💫 having a self care plan. The holidays can be a busy and stressful time and it’s important to take good care of yourself so you can feel your best and be better able to deal with various situations with greater ease. 

💫 have a routine you engage in right before gathering with family and friends, such as listening to a meditation, doing some relaxation techniques, or journaling, to give yourself extra love and compassion 

I would love to hear your plans for handling the holidays, or any struggles you are concerned about dealing with. 

Sending love and light,
