How judgment can affect your life

Do you keep quiet and are afraid to share parts of your life and yourself?  Do you change your behavior or deny your emotions to conform to what you think others want? 

If so, you may be acting out of fear.

Fear of being judged by others.

Fear they will reject you.  

Fear you are not good enough for someone else.  

But the judgement you fear is really judgment of yourself.  

You perceive the world according to your own emotions so when you judge yourself you expect others will judge you as well.  

You are judging yourself for whatever it is you are afraid to allow others to see and as a result you are feeling not good enough.  

Your self judgment comes from beliefs you have learned earlier in your life.  You were not born with these negative beliefs about yourself.  But your beliefs were influenced by others and over time became your own reality because you continued to give them your energy.  

Before this you lived your live in the present moment and not worried about the future and therefore you were not afraid to express yourself…as a very young child others opinions of you weren’t important to you.  

Having this awareness can be huge because when you fear others’ judgment you put up walls and barriers to keep others away.  

But these walls and barriers also restrict you and keep you from fully living your life.  

They prevent you from having close loving relationships.  

Once you are aware that your fear of judgment by others is really about your own judgment of yourself and your own fears of not being enough, you can change this pattern for yourself.  

You can do what feels uncomfortable and allow others in.  Not hide when you feel fear.  Not put up barriers.  

Change and growth happens when you feel fear and move beyond it.  It’s okay to feel fear…just don’t allow it to stop you and run your life.