My Blog

You CAN find inner peace – even during these turbulent times for your teen/young adult child. I know when your child has mental illness or addiction you can become consumed by fear. And peace may be the furthest thing from your mind. Maybe there are times when your fear subsides and you feel some temporary…
Read MoreKeeping the lines of communication open can be critical when your teen or young adult is suffering from mental illness or addiction. It is important to be that safe space for them to come to, no matter what they are dealing with. Here are some tips for being that safe space for them: Be a…
Read MoreWhen your child has a mental illness or addiction, life is not the same as before their illness. It is likely that not only are you experiencing new challenges, but you are seeing differences in your child. His or her actions, behaviors, abilities, things they enjoy, and how they relate to the world may be different…
Read MoreIf you have a child with mental illness or addiction, you may be living in fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of something negative happening. Even when things seem to be going better, you may be worrying about when the next thing will happen (fear the next show will drop). When you are so focused…
Read MoreIf you have a child who is suffering from depression or is struggling in any way with their mental health or addiction, it is important to your relationship with your child to remember: They are suffering from an illness It is not anyone’s fault, no one is to blame…not them, not you They are not…
Read MoreI am so excited that I just submitted my book proposal for the Hay House Writer’s Membership contest! I have been working on my book proposal the past 2.5 months while also writing my book. Through sharing my story of the love and loss of my son through his mental illness and addiction and how…
Read MoreSometimes it can feel difficult when your teen or young adult child takes a different path from the one you would like for them. I know, as I have been there with my oldest son. When you try to take control, you may feel frustrated and begin to realize you can’t make them do things your…
Read MoreHave you ever noticed that you feel more peaceful and less stressed when you don’t take personally what your teen or young adult child does? When you take things personally, you begin to focus on what you did wrong or what you did to cause what your child is doing or saying. It is important…
Read MoreAre you experiencing painful emotions such as sadness, fear, anger? Painful emotions are clues we may need to make a change. If you ignore your emotion, it won’t get better, it will likely persist. If you can’t change the situation that is happening, you can change your interpretation of the experience. For example, when my…
Read MoreWhat if? Are these words defining how you are living your life as the parent of a teen or young adult child? What if he hangs out with friends who are using drugs? What if she starts drinking again? What if he overdoses? Are you imagining the worst and always anticipating what may go wrong next? …
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