My Blog

So many times we focus on what is not working, what is wrong, what we fear…the result? We feel unhappy, anxious, upset. Creating a routine every morning and evening to shift your focus from the negative to the positive will shift your energy, which will help you create more positive experiences for yourself. Your energy matters most…
Read MoreYou may be inadvertently judging your teen or young adult child, even when you think you are not being judgmental. Maybe sometimes you minimize their feelings and other times you acknowledge them. For example, your twenty- four year old son confides in you that he is feeling down because he didn’t get the apartment he…
Read MoreWhen you take a moment and reflect on something you can appreciate, big or small, it can shift your whole mindset from resentment or sadness or anger to something more positive. Focusing your energy on something you appreciate allows you to attract more positive experiences that you can appreciate…whether these are new experiences or just…
Read MoreDo you hang on to something your teen or young adult did that was wrong or something he or she said that felt hurtful? Do these past experiences seem to affect your relationship now? Does a part of you feel you can’t or shouldn’t forgive them? Forgiveness is an act of self love. It…
Read MoreAre you experiencing tension and disconnection in your relationship with your teen or young adult child? Even if right now you are dealing with challenges with your son or daughter, a more supportive relationship is not only possible it is what you were meant for🥰 What if you could love and support your son…
Read MoreIf you are a parent who is feeling frustrated with the communication with your teen or young adult, here are some steps you can take to improve communication: Be a good listener. As a parent, it can be easy to forget to be a good listener. You may be so busy talking about what you…
Read More3 Steps for Finding Peace and Love Amidst the Tears: A FREE challenge for parents of teens or young adults who have mental illness or addiction. If you are a parent of a teen or young adult suffering from mental illness and/or addiction, are you frustrated with constant conflicts with your son or daughter? Is…
Read MoreDo you find yourself criticizing your teen or young adult child often? This can happen when you lose trust, even for a moment. Maybe you don’t agree with the friends they have chosen or how they are spending their time. The thing is, you don’t have to agree with everything they do in…
Read MoreI am meant for more. Did you ever feel that way? That whether or not you love what you’re doing, you have that feeling deep in your soul that you were meant for more. That’s how I have felt. After losing my 26 year old son, I did a lot of soul searching as to…
Read MoreIf your son or daughter has been diagnosed with a mental illness, you may be feeling many different things… fear, confusion, sadness, overwhelm, despair, or other emotions. First, know that no one is at fault. Not you. Not them. Second, accept what is happening. Your son or daughter needs to feel you are…
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