My Blog

I had such an amazing time visiting my very good friend Navi and attending the Toronto Film Festival with her! It was so much fun to see so many movie premieres. Movies we saw – True History of the Kelly Gang, Lucy in the Sky, American Woman, Clemency, Marriage Story, Endings and Beginnings I feel…
Read MoreHow much time do you spend really being in the present? Maybe you think you are present but how much time do you spend overthinking your earlier conversation? Focusing on how another person feels about you? Worrying about what will happen tomorrow? Thinking about how you can get someone to like you or how you can change them…
Read MoreWhat do you need to feel emotionally safe in a relationship and why is this important? In order to grow closer to another person, you need to be able to open your heart. And in order to open your heart you need to feel safe. Different people may need different things to feel safe. For example, you…
Read MoreWhat if the process IS the result? What do I mean? When you are focused solely on getting to a certain place…such as telling yourself you’ll be happy when you reach it… “I will be happy when I get married or get into a relationship, you attach your happiness to a specific result or outcome. You…
Read MoreWhat stories are you telling yourself? How do you know if you are creating stories? Your emotions can be your clue because you may suddenly feel sad or unhappy or triggered. Your stories may be caused by events in your past (and your subconscious beliefs that past patterns will repeat themselves), by negative beliefs about yourself…
Read MoreMy relationship with time has been an interesting one. I used to have a strained relationship with time. I felt stress related to time…such as feeling there is not enough time to do something or I felt like something needed to happen right away. I realized that in those moments, time represented a lack, an urgency, a…
Read MoreYou may hear friends or family or others telling you to let go…of the outcome, of control, of a relationship, of a person…whatever it may be. When you think about letting go, you want to remember that you don’t have control over anyone or anything but yourself. You can’t force an outcome. You don’t own another person. …
Read MoreDo you ever feel the answers you need will come from someone else? Like you need to find out what others want, think, feel about whatever it is that is happening with you? This comes from being disconnected from yourself, from your emotions, from your truth, from your own intuition. The truth, your truth, always comes…
Read MoreYou either accept people the way they are or you don’t. You have that power to make a choice for yourself. But you don’t have the option to change them because you don’t have control over anyone else but yourself. Once you accept this truth, it will change how you approach relationships. If you view your partner…
Read MoreYou interpret everything you see in the world through your own belief system. Your beliefs even affect the way you view yourself. Knowing this is a step closer to your happiness. Why? In order to see and appreciate the good and positive things in life, you have to be able to believe in the good. And the opposite…
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