My Blog

Do You Have Strong Boundaries?

July 29, 2018

Do you have strong boundaries? Having boundaries does not mean you are being unkind. It does not mean you are not interested in getting to know a man further. You see, boundaries are not about the other person, they are about you. Boundaries are not about pushing another person away. They are about keeping you…

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Your Fears Are Really Opportunities For Growth

July 22, 2018

Doing the inner work doesn’t mean you will never feel fear. What it does mean is that you will feel the fear but not let it keep you stuck, not let it stop you from moving forward. Fears come up in many places…maybe it feels hard to be vulnerable in your relationship. You may fear…

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Are You Present?

May 29, 2018

While being driven and goal oriented is great in your career, it is not necessarily your best skill to have in your romantic relationship. You are good at making a plan for success and following it. You have a deep belief in your ability to reach your goals. But what is missing is that as…

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Are You Living In Expectation Energy?

May 26, 2018

So many times we have an idea of how we want things to happen, especially in relationships. When we are so focused on how we want something to look, and we direct all our energy towards this, it becomes an expectation. And then when it doesn’t happen as we want or expect, we feel sad,…

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Are You Feeling Stuck?

April 23, 2018

Are you feeling stuck in a relationship that isn’t working for you? Maybe you know deep down that it doesn’t feel right. Or maybe he has even left the relationship and you can’t figure out why you can’t let him go. When you are hanging on to a man who is not treating you well…

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Are Your Beliefs Standing in the Way of Your Dreams?

April 5, 2018

As children maybe you were told to dream big. As adults do you ever wonder why your drams have not come true? What if you could figure out what was stopping you from achieving all your desires and making all your dreams come true? After all, we all have unlimited potential. It all starts with…

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Your Needs Matter

March 28, 2018

Your needs matter. You may read this statement and say “of course they do.” But how many times do you put everyone else’s needs before your own? Maybe you are exhausted and don’t fee like going out but when your best friend calls and asks you to help her pick out a dress, you go…

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The Need For Certainty

March 22, 2018

We all have a need for both certainty and uncertainty in our lives and in our relationships. These needs may be fulfilled in different ways for different people. Sometimes in a relationship it’s the need for certainty that creates stress or anxiety when it’s not being met. Think about what meets your need for certainty…

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Want To Manifest More Love In Your Life?

March 12, 2018

Want to manifest more love in your life? Take notice of what you are focusing on. Whatever you are focusing on, this is where your energy is going. And this is what the universe is mirroring back to you. Are you focusing on what is there or on what is missing? On what is going…

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Is It Your Fear or Your Intuition? How Can You Tell?

March 5, 2018

Do you have a hard time differentiating between your fear and your intuition? Allowing your fears to take control may prevent you from moving in the direction you desire and from being in touch with and allowing your intuition to guide you and strengthen your inner self. Fear is a powerful emotion and can keep…

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