My Blog

When you are so often focused on the challenges that arise with your teen or adult child, it is easy for self love and self care to become neglected. If you don’t take care of you and give yourself love too, you will have a harder time showing up for your child. You will not…
Read MoreOften times we have a story about what life with our children should look like. It may be based on our own childhood, values or teachings from our parents, or from observing others around us. When you have a child with mental illness or addiction, life with your child may not look like that story. And…
Read MoreIf you have a teen or adult child with mental illness or addiction and you are struggling to find your path to peace, you may be making one of these mistakes- 💫Taking things personally. When things are not going well with your child, do you blame yourself and make everything that is happening about you?…
Read MoreIf you have a teen or adult child with mental illness or addiction, acceptance is an important part of your path to peace. This may include accepting that your lives are completely different than they were before mental illness and addiction, accepting difficult events that happened, what your child is feeling and what they are…
Read MoreWhen you have a teen or adult child with mental illness or addiction, you may find yourself living in fear much of the time. I understand, as I was there too. I realized that behind the fear was a need for certainty—certainty that my son would be okay, that he would be safe, and that…
Read MoreHave you ever let your child’s bad mood affect your own mood? This can be especially tough when they are suffering from mental illness or dealing with addiction and their moods seem to go up and down frequently. When they are down, you feel down. When they are stressed, you feel stressed. Well just like…
Read MoreHow many times do you feel frustrated or even angry with your teen or adult child who has mental illness and/or addiction? Of course you love him or her dearly, but you are human, and sometimes they may lash out at you or make decisions you don’t agree with or do things you don’t like…
Read MoreWishing everyone a very happy New Year filled with hope, love, and light! Wherever you are in your journey in life, bring into 2023 what you want more of and leave what you don’t want behind. You are the creator of your life! While you can’t make others change, you can change your thoughts, your…
Read MoreI recently attended Tony Robbins’ Date with Destiny event in Florida and something very powerful that spoke to me was what question I was subconsciously asking myself. I worked on this over a year ago, but realized my subconscious mind had changed my primary question I had then worked on, to something disempowering without me…
Read MoreHow are you feeling this holiday season? Sometimes this time of year can be difficult. If you are dealing with challenges associated with your teen or young adult having mental illness or addiction, or you’re dealing with a loss of a child or a loss of how your child was before illness, I know holidays…
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