My Blog

We expect honesty from others, but are we being completely honest with ourselves? We see the world through our own lens. And our ability to see the truth can be clouded by how we want something to be. What do I mean? For example … are you being honest with yourself about your…
Read MoreHappy Valentine’s Day! Tomorrow is a day you can make special for yourself by setting the intention to meet your own need for love. So many times we are seeking love outside ourselves…from our date, partner, boyfriend, spouse…anyone except for where the love is that we need to seek, discovery and get to know…within…
Read MoreIf you are having a hard time opening your heart to love, remember you are empowered with a choice as to how you live your life. You can choose to hang on to your past…your past hurts, your past injustices, your fears, your past way of living with your closed heart. When you continue to…
Read MoreWhen you get into a relationship looking solely outside yourself for someone to meet your needs and love you, when you don’t meet your own needs or love yourself, this leads to disappointment and unhappiness. Why? You are the only one who can meet your needs on the highest level. When you are searching outside…
Read MoreAre you tired of attracting people and relationships that aren’t right for you? Wondering if there is anything you can do to change this? The answer is YES! Now is the time to create the relationship with yourself that you have always dreamed of having in your life. Why? Because how you treat yourself, how…
Read MoreIf you are having difficulty trusting others or your relationship, look deeper within yourself. When you don’t feel that you deserve joy and happiness and love in your life, you begin to doubt it is possible. You begin to question the motives of everyone. You begin to look for evidence of what isn’t working out…
Read MoreAre you connected to your appreciation energy? Or are you taking things in your life and/or people in your life for granted? Maybe when you first meet that new man or have that beautiful relationship or get that new job or receive that gift you alway wanted, you feel grateful. You appreciate what is happening…
Read MoreDo you ever wake up and have a thought that makes you feel a little down and before you know it, several hours later, you feel so sad and full of negativity? I have. This is because the thoughts you have, the ones you give time and energy to, attract other thoughts that are…
Read MoreHave you ever been around someone who drains your energy? You know, you’re feeling great, everything seems brighter, the sky looks sunnier, the flowers smell so lovely…then you are around someone whose energy is negative…they look awful and feel awful. If you aren’t aware of what is happening, your own energy can change…
Read MoreIn past relationships years ago I used to think that every time there was a problem in the relationship that we needed to have a long talk. Then I would tell him everything that was going wrong or that he was not doing. There were many “you” statements and a lot of blame. It always…
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