My Blog

In setting goals for 2019, it’s important to make space in your life for them. What can you let go of that isn’t serving you? Maybe it’s a belief, behaviors you have that don’t align with your desires, a job you don’t enjoy, a relationship that you know isn’t right for you. Or even…
Read MoreWhat is vulnerability and why is it so important in a relationship? Vulnerability is allowing someone to see your true authentic self. The real you. Not who or what you are pretending to be. When you are withholding part of yourself or your true feelings, you are controlling what the other person sees and are…
Read MoreThis holiday season remember to take some time for you. Focus on what you need to feel good. It’s easy to get focused so much on everyone else that you neglect yourself. This can look like not doing your daily routine of journaling or visualizations or affirmations. Or not getting enough sleep. Or trying to…
Read MoreWhy is doing the inner work so important? When you can’t tell the difference between your triggered feelings based on your past and your feelings based on the present moment, you may respond or react in an exaggerated way. When your own limiting beliefs and nasty voices cause you to feel negative, you may lash…
Read MoreDo you ever find yourself focusing too much attention on things that just aren’t that important? I do. Especially sometimes when I’m stressed or even if I may wake up in the middle of the night, things may, in the moment, feel soooo important. But when I have time to really reflect on what…
Read MoreTrying to control your man doesn’t work, and in fact will kill his attraction for you. A masculine energy man wants to be in control of himself…his plans, his environment, his decisions. Controlling is masculine energy and when you try to control what your man does, his decisions, his care, his choices, etc, you are…
Read MoreI have always been someone who believed in the good in every person. Believed that everyone has positive intentions. Believed that everyone operated from a place of love. While I still believe that this is mostly true, what happens when there is someone who was once in your life who is operating not from a…
Read MoreDid you know? Your fears and your limiting beliefs can actually feel comfortable. Giving you a false sense of safety. Making it harder to let them go without feeling a sense of discomfort and even an emptiness in the space they were taking up. This is why many we revert back to our…
Read MoreAppreciation will help you to attract and live the life you desire. When you can live from a place of appreciation for what is, you will attract so much more to be appreciative about and you will not be resisting allowing the good into your heart. Appreciation helps you to focus on what is good…
Read MoreDo you have a hard time living in a trusting energy when you are in a relationship? What does this mean? ❤️Trusting YOU will be okay no matter what happens because you always have you and you have a strong love and connection to you ❤️Trusting the universe has your back ❤️Trusting you are loved…
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